Metallurgical SiC

ESD-SIC produces high-quality metallurgical grade SiC for iron and steel applications. Our brands E-SIC and TOP-SIC are examples of our success in the market.

Our products:

  • E-SiC 37: Typical 37% SiC, Standard Sizes: 0 to 15 mm
  • E-SIC 85: Typical 85% SiC. Standard Size: 0 to 15mm
  • E-SIC 88: Minimum 86.5% SiC. Standard Size: 0 to 15mm
  • TOPSIC®: Minimum 90% SiC. Standard Sizes: 0 to 10mm; 0.1 to 10mm; 0.5 to 10mm; 1 to 10mm for iron and steel applications

Our datasheets:

Packing: supplied in bulk, big bags and paper bags